Birthmarks are a unique way of determining who we are, but some of us want them removed. 

For some, birthmarks are a skin trait that is unique and determines who we are. But for others, it is an undesirable skin imperfection that they would like removed. Luckily, with laser technology, we are able to remove birthmarks and other skin abnormalities effectively. Today, we are going to dive into the process in removing a birthmark, and what technology is used to remove these unique traits from our skin.

What is a birthmark?

A birthmark is described as being a congenital, benign irregularity on the skin that is either present at birth, or appears shortly after. They are non-life-threatening skin conditions that vary in size and colour depending on the individual and the cause of birthmarks are due to overgrown blood vessels, melanocytes, smooth muscle, fat, fibroblasts, or keratinocytes. 

That’s a lot of technical words…we know. 

Overall, birthmarks are caused by these overgrown cells, but the exact cause of birthmarks is unknown. There are two different types of birthmarks:

  • One is pigmented birthmarks, which are caused by excess skin pigment cells and have a “coffee with cream” colour tone to them. 
  • The other type of birthmark is vascular birthmarks, which are red in colour and are caused by excess blood vessels. 

How do you remove a birthmark?

Many times, people have gone through painful surgeries to remove birthmarks which require an anesthetic and a lot of healing time. Luckily, with the advancement in laser technologies, we are able to remove birthmarks without the hassle and pain of surgeries. At Bella Lisa Laser, we use the power of GentleMax Pro from Syneron Candela. The GentleMax Pro uses dual laser wavelengths, which penetrate into the epidermal skin layer and reaches targeted cells that contain the pigmented or vascular lesion. Once done, these cells are heated, and it absorbs the thermal energy produced in the area. This allows for lesions in the targeted tissue cells to be destroyed. The result leaves smoother, less pigmented skin and a much clearer complexion. The GentleMax Pro laser can be used to treat a variety of skin imperfections such as birthmarks, port wine stains, hemangioma, telangiectasia, diffuse redness, venous lake, and more.

How long will the process take?

The time or amount of treatments required to remove a birthmark varies from person to person. While you can expect to remove a birthmark within four sessions, do not be alarmed if it takes a lot more than that. Appointments are scheduled to be about eight weeks apart to ensure that the skin has healed properly and that damage is not being done to the skin with the laser. If you go into another session too quickly, the laser can cause burning, blistering or permanent pigment damage to the skin. 

After consulting with Lisa Dane, laser technician and owner of Bella Lisa Laser, she will ensure that you are aware of how long the process will take to remove a birthmark. The amount of time that is needed to remove a birthmark is determined by your skin tone, size of birthmark, and location on the body.

What can I expect during my first session?

At your first session, you can expect to have the small handpiece from the GentleMax Pro placed on the targeted area. Some clients have said that there is some discomfort from the laser, but describe it as the snapping of a rubber band on their skin. A cooling device will be given to you to subdue the pain experienced. No gel is used during the laser treatment so you will not experience any mess on your skin!

As we mentioned previously, birthmarks are a unique determination of who we are, and at Bella Lisa Laser, we encourage our patients to love the skin that they are in. But, we do understand that certain skin imperfections such as birthmarks can be undesirable and some of us want them removed. 

With Lisa Dane’s expertise and the power of GentleMax Pro, we are sure to make you feel beautiful and love every inch of your body!

For more information on our services, and to book a consultation, please contact us directly.